Ingrid Yang, M.D., J.D.


Education: Rush Medical College of Rush University Medical Center
Expertise: Internal Medicine

Ingrid Yang M.D., J.D. is a board-certified internal medicine physician, writer, certified yoga therapist, and posture, breathing, and mindfulness expert. She is an internal medicine physician in San Diego, CA, and offers a grounded, down-to-earth perspective rooted in both medical expertise and holistic wellness. She has been teaching yoga and mindfulness techniques for more than 20 years and is the author of The Zen Mindfulness WorkbookAdaptive Yoga, and Hatha Yoga Asanas and has written for Yoga Journal.

Dr. Yang leads trainings and retreats all over the world, with a special focus on kinesthetic physiology and healing through breathwork, meditation, and the mind-body connection. She is also a Reiki master and writes regularly on the benefits of proper posture, breathwork, and mindfulness-based practices.

About the Edge

The Edge is an editorial outlet from Hone Health that delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you live better for longer. Our content is powered by experienced health and lifestyle journalists and reviewed by members of our Advisory Board, who are notable experts in their respective disciplines, from urology and endocrinology to nutrition and fitness.

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