James Staheli D.O.

Advisory Board Member

Preventative Medicine
Education: Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Expertise: Metabolic and nutritional medicine, Anti-aging, Functional medicine

Dr. James R. Staheli is the Medical Director for Broad Health, Hone Health’s affiliated medical practice and a family medicine doctor in Atlanta, Georgia. An advocate for preventive health and nutrition with a focus on the prevention and reversal of the reversal of disease, Dr. Staheli is a current fellow on metabolic and nutritional medicine, anti-aging, metabolic, and functional medicine.

About the Edge

The Edge is an editorial outlet from Hone Health that delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you live better for longer. Our content is powered by experienced health and lifestyle journalists and reviewed by members of our Advisory Board, who are notable experts in their respective disciplines, from urology and endocrinology to nutrition and fitness.

Latest From James Staheli D.O.

How To Self-Administer Testosterone Injections

Need some help with self-injections? Our comprehensive guide will take you through every step.

How Erectile Dysfunction and Age Are Related

Understanding what causes ED means you can prevent it before it starts.

Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss?

Solo sex burns calories, but it might not be enough to move the number on the scale.

Does Testosterone Make You Gain Weight?

The hormone can help pounds peel off, but there’s a catch.

Does Your Oxygen Level Drop When You Sleep?

Tracking your nighttime SpO2 can help you sleep better and live longer.

Why Are My Privates Tingling?

Experiencing penile numbness? Don’t panic.

These Anti-Aging Vitamins and Supplements Might Help Slow the Clock

These nutrients are packed with age-fighting powers.

Does Ashwagandha Really Increase Testosterone Levels?

Can you stoke your T levels with the ancient herb?

What Are Normal Testosterone Levels By Age?

Where your levels should be, how to know when they're off, and how to test your hormones.

Can You Buy Contrave Online?

Here’s what you need to get a prescription for the appetite-suppressing medication.

Is Autophagy the Secret to Weight Loss and Longevity?

Fasting fans can’t shut up about this cellular recycling. Here's why.

These Two Supplements May Give Your T Levels a Boost

A men's hormone expert weighs in on tongkat ali and fadogia.

Avoid These 11 Testosterone Killing Foods

What to keep off your plate to keep your T high.

How to Legally Buy Testosterone Online

You’ll need a prescription, but we can help you get your TRT virtually.

11 Science-Backed Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone

Looking to give your T an edge, organically? Try these tips to increase testosterone levels.

Testosterone Cream for Men: Benefits & Side Effects

Everything you need to know before you slather it on.

Where Is the Liver King Now?

The raw organ-devouring influencer is 60 days off steroids, and at least some of his experience is typical of guys who quit gear.

Is Microdosing Testosterone More Effective?

There are definite benefits, but also a few reasons for concern. Our doctor breaks it down.

How to Maintain an Erection For 30 Minutes, Say Experts

Five health professionals explain why your penis may not be performing the way you want it to—and offer tips on how to restore proper function.

Does Masturbation Cause Low Sperm Count?

Experts explain what causes a reduction of swimmers and what promotes more of them.

How Long Is Too Long Without Sex in a Relationship?

Spoiler: There’s no definitive number.

The Skin on Your Penis is Dry. Here’s How to Fix It.

8 things that can cause your junk to feel funky.

Does Sunlight Increase Testosterone?

Dr. Andrew Huberman says getting midday rays can boost T levels.

Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Testosterone?

A nutrition expert sets the record straight.

My Husband Takes Testosterone Injections. Can I Still Get Pregnant?

It is possible to treat low T if kids are in your future.

Why Do I Get So Hot When I Sleep?

The hot sleepers of the world bear a brutal curse, but, mercifully, it doesn’t have to be permanent.

Inflammation Is Behind Everything From Erectile Dysfunction to Heart Disease. Here’s How to Reduce It Fast.

Let’s start with your diet.

How to Find a Medicine 3.0 Doctor Like Peter Attia

What it is, why you should care, and how to find a doctor who embraces it.

If You Have ED, Your Thyroid May Be Sending You Signals

An overactive and underactive thyroid can lead to serious health issues—as well as problems downstairs.

Why Aren't You Horny? Common Causes of Low Libido in Men

It’s natural for your libido to ebb and flow. Here’s what’s normal, and when to talk to your doctor.

This Link Between Thyroid Issues and Low T May Blow Your Mind

The connection goes far deeper than shared symptoms.

Does Semen Retention Increase Testosterone?

“You gotta clean the pipes once in a while,” says a urologist.

Can Low Testosterone Cause Anxiety and Depression?

Anxiety and depression can be signs of low testosterone.

Does Ozempic Cause Muscles Loss?

You’ll shed pounds, but your gains in the gym may take a blow.

Is Weight Loss a Side Effect of Metformin?

If don't have diabetes, here's what you can expect from taking the drug.

Here’s What Happens When You Go Off Ozempic

Yes, the lost weight may come back.

Over 35? HRT for Men Could Be Your Secret Weapon

HRT helps men with hormone imbalance by replacing deficient hormones, restoring balance and vitality.

Wegovy and Ozempic Could Cause This Severe Side Effect

Doctors say intense gastrointestinal complications aren't very common when taking semaglutide medications, but they're something to be mindful of.

TRT Before and After: These Jaw-Dropping TRT Transformations Prove Your Life Can Change

Testosterone therapy helped these men lose weight, gain muscle, recapture their libidos and more. How can it help you?

Does Andrew Huberman’s Sleep Cocktail Work?

A neuroscientist-podcaster's approach to bettering sleep is a little more involved than counting sheep.

5 Foods to Avoid on Metformin

Some might surprise you.

Free Testosterone Levels vs. Total T — High vs. Low vs. Normal

Not all testosterone is created equal.

Once You Start Testosterone Therapy Can You Stop?

Yes, you can end TRT. Here are the factors to consider to stop TRT safely.

The ‘Fitbit for Your Penis’ and 5 Other New Treatments For Erectile Dysfunction

Game changers for men with erection issues.

I’m 69. Thanks to TRT, I’m as Fit as the High Schoolers At My Gym

Here’s How Long It Takes Real Patients to See TRT Results

Three Hone patients share a timeline of benefits and changes during the first year of TRT treatment.

Brain Fog Is the Worst—These Vitamins Can Help

Your lack of focus could be the effect of a vitamin deficiency.

Why Does Protein Make You Fart?

Make gains without gas.

Testosterone and Hair Loss: Is There a Connection?

Some guys think T will turn you into a sasquatch. Others claim it makes you bald. Which is it?

Does Smoking Increase Testosterone?

Put the lighter down. Now.

Best Vitamins for Increasing Testosterone

Just talk to your doc before your swallow ‘em.

Your Biological Age Matters Way More Than Your Chronological Age

Maximizing your biological age can help you look and feel younger.

Yes, Aging Backwards Is Possible. Here’s How to Do It.

Here’s how you can potentially shift aging into reverse.

Yes, Men Need Estrogen. But Having Too Much—or Too Little—Is a Problem.

You might think of it as a female hormone, but estrogen is critical for men’s health.

Eat These Foods to Ward Off ED

Adding these foods to your diet can help you get and sustain an erection.

Why Alcohol Messes With Your Sleep (and What to Do About It)

That extra glass of whiskey isn’t doing you any favors.

The Rise of the Locker Room Penis

Does the Penuma implant really give you BDE?

Here’s Exactly What to Say to Your Doctor If You Think You Have Low T

Zero embarrassment. They've heard it all before, we promise.

7 Best Melatonin Alternatives for Sleep

Bonus: no sleep med-induced hangover.

TRT Helped Me Lose 90 Pounds

“At 670 pounds I was told, “Get busy dying, or get busy living.”

TRT Helped Me Get in the Best Shape of My Life at 57

I lost 60 pounds and vanquished my fatigue.

With TRT I Have the Energy to Be a Better Dad and Husband

When my health improved, so did my relationships.

After TRT, I Lost 50 Pounds and 10 Inches Off My Waist

I went from a 48 to a 38 waist size.

I Lost 100 Pounds and 5 Shirt Sizes With TRT

I went from 3XL to medium shirts in a year.

How TRT Helped Me Recover After a Near-Deadly Car Crash

TRT helped me recover faster and build the strength to walk again.

I Switched From Steroids to TRT and Dropped 100 Pounds

“I was shooting up testosterone that was cooked up in somebody’s microwave for all I knew.”

You Might Not Be Too Young For Low Testosterone—Even in Your 20s

“Waiting only delays you from feeling amazing.”

Two Years Into TRT I’m Down 25 Pounds and Feel 10 Years Younger

I’m easily lifting more weight and have loads of energy.

Vitamin D May Be A Game Changer In The Fight Against Low T

Here’s why men need A+ levels of the sunshine Vitamin.

Always Tired? These 9 Vitamins Will Give You All-Day Energy

Short circuit fatigue with these critical nutrients.

What Is Testosterone?

Everything you should know about one of the most important hormones in your body.

Why You Should Test Your Hormones

Hormone therapy will become as commonplace as taking Tylenol.

How Much Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost?

Know how important it is to keep your T levels balanced, as well as the potential costs associated with doing so.

Why Hone’s At-Home Testosterone Test Is the Best

Explaining everything you need to know about testing your T-levels with our at-home assessment.

Low T Can Cause ED—But It’s More Likely One of These Conditions

Heart disease, stress, and diabetes can all wreck your erections.

Is Low Testosterone Genetic?

Testosterone levels in men have been declining for decades—and DNA may be to blame.

Can Quitting Booze Cure Your Erectile Dysfunction?

A few drinks can make you feel like a sex god, but too many can leave you limp.

The Hard Science About What Happens to Your Junk as You Age

ED, you might expect. But curving?

Everything You Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

Better erections, coming up.

Getting Erectile Dysfunction Medications Online: What Are Your Options?

Which online medications can treat your ED, how they work, their benefits and their potential side effects.

How Much Time Should You Spend in Deep Sleep? Experts Say This.

What you should know about this critical stage of shuteye—including its impact on your hormones.