Larell Scardelli


Education: B.A., Susquehanna University, Creative Writing
Expertise: Wellness, Mindfulness, Supplements

Larell Scardelli is a health and wellness writer and content strategist.

After earning her BA in Creative writing from Susquehanna University, Larell attended Columbia University’s Summer Publishing Course. This led her to work on the editorial teams of several regional and national magazines—notably, First For Women and Rodale’s Organic Life.

Scardelli has worked as a fact-checker, researcher, assistant, reporter, writer, and everything in between. She’s helped many digital start-ups, corporate and independent, grow with her unique concept of content marketing.

Scardelli’s focus on the health and wellness industry came from a pain point of her own: adult-onset acne. Instead of taking the Western route, she used diet, supplements, and energy medicine to heal her skin condition. This experience led her to write for outlets such as Women’s Health, Healthline, and Prevention. Larell is a RYT-200, Usui Reiki master, and energy medicine practitioner. You can find her singing with her rainbow parakeet or taking long nature walks.

About the Edge

The Edge is an editorial outlet from Hone Health that delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you live better for longer. Our content is powered by experienced health and lifestyle journalists and reviewed by members of our Advisory Board, who are notable experts in their respective disciplines, from urology and endocrinology to nutrition and fitness.

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