Mike McAvennie


Education: B.S. Journalism, St. John's University
Expertise: Health

Award-winning Editorial Director and Writer with extensive experience driving original content production on a global scale. Excellent history of leading local and international teams, overseeing large-scale content strategy campaigns for digital, social, and print marketing, and guiding new product launches to increase brand awareness and drive company growth. Top strengths include strategic planning, creative writing, editing, content marketing, Content Management Systems, and team leadership.

About the Edge

The Edge is an editorial outlet from Hone Health that delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you live better for longer. Our content is powered by experienced health and lifestyle journalists and reviewed by members of our Advisory Board, who are notable experts in their respective disciplines, from urology and endocrinology to nutrition and fitness.

Latest From Mike McAvennie

What Are Normal Testosterone Levels By Age?

Where your levels should be, how to know when they're off, and how to test your hormones.

Avoid These 11 Testosterone Killing Foods

What to keep off your plate to keep your T high.

How to Legally Buy Testosterone Online

You’ll need a prescription, but we can help you get your TRT virtually.

11 Science-Backed Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone

Looking to give your T an edge, organically? Try these tips to increase testosterone levels.

14 Foods That May Boost Testosterone Naturally

Salmon, eggs, leafy greens and other T-boosting all-stars.

10 Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Thinking about starting TRT? Here’s how you should expect to feel better.

Over 35? HRT for Men Could Be Your Secret Weapon

HRT helps men with hormone imbalance by replacing deficient hormones, restoring balance and vitality.

How Much Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost?

Know how important it is to keep your T levels balanced, as well as the potential costs associated with doing so.

Why Hone’s At-Home Testosterone Test Is the Best

Explaining everything you need to know about testing your T-levels with our at-home assessment.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Low T and TRT

Don’t stress. Talking with your loved one about treating your Low T can be easier than you think.

Getting Erectile Dysfunction Medications Online: What Are Your Options?

Which online medications can treat your ED, how they work, their benefits and their potential side effects.

30 Scientifically-Effective Ways to Relieve Stress

How to get calm right now, and stay that way.

The Best Foods Every Man Should Eat

Your perfect plate awaits.