Editorial Mission and Policy

The edge mission tout


Content for people optimizing their healthspan and lifespan

You know the basics when it comes to being healthy: exercise, don’t eat too much junk, drink less booze, get some sleep, repeat.

Taking your health to the next level? That’s more complicated.

And more fun.

Health is personal. You can get data on your heart rate, your hormones, your workout effort and recovery, and your blood sugar. You can tweak your diet and your training based on that data.

That’s where we come in.

The Edge delivers science-backed, expert-driven content to help you optimize your healthspan and your lifespan.

Our editorial team—award-winning journalists (we’ve previously crafted content for Men’s HealthGear PatrolEsquireSports IllustratedWomen’s HealthMen’s JournalRunner’s WorldPopular Science, and more) who are immersed in wellness—dig into the latest health discoveries, test new gear, and constantly talk to leading physicians, nutritionists, dieticians, and fitness pros.

We boil that knowledge down into tips and advice. You’ll know exactly what to eat, buy, and do to achieve your goals.

Our content represents our core values:

A man runs up a hill of red pillars

We’ll share what you need to know, but also how to act immediately with this new knowledge. If a study shows HIIT workouts are better for weight loss, we’ll explain why, then give you a bespoke workout created by our in-house certified trainer. You can put our tips into motion the minute you read them.

symptoms of low testosterone

Society makes men feel embarrassed about weight gain, a lagging libido, fatigue, or depression. There’s no room for stigma here.

Man running up stairs

Our content helps you make informed decisions about what does—and doesn’t—work for you. We meet you where you are, whether you’re deeply interested in hormones or looking for the best sneakers for leg day.

Man holding a barbell with weights

The Internet is full of information that’s misleading, biased, or plain wrong. Not here. Our expert-backed reporting about health, nutrition, fitness, and gear that’s rooted in science, facts, and rigorous reviews. You’ll see citations, studies, and reference material clearly.


a doctor who prescribes testosterone through telehealth

Health content published on The Edge goes through a rigorous editorial process. Each individual piece of content has several people behind it working to make sure that it’s responsible, accurate, understandable, trustworthy, comprehensive, up-to-date, and inclusive.

We rely only on the most current and reputable primary references, including peer-reviewed medical journals, government organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy associations.

Our sources also include experts in their fields. Sources are listed both inline and at the bottom of every article.

The Edge sets high journalistic standards for our content. Our articles are unbiased, research-backed, honest, and comprehensive, and represent our core values. We only work with journalists, expert writers, and contributors who agree to maintain these standards. We train them on research and best sourcing practices, and provide regular feedback and answer questions.

Our health information is reviewed for accuracy by our Advisory Board, which is comprised of a team of physicians and subject matter experts who have extensive knowledge in their field. Advisory Board members review medical statements, claims, and recommendations for accuracy and timeliness. They also bring critical perspectives thanks to their expertise in clinical practice and research.

Our review process ensures that each health article meets the following criteria:


Health information can be confusing or overwhelming. We make sure that all of the content on The Edge Is written in language that is accessible, easily understood, and actionable. Our voice is conversational and motivating. We are curious but objective, truthful but not alarmist, and inspiring without minimizing the real challenges that people can face around their health.  We tell judgment-free stories and aim to remove stigma and bias.


Content from The Edge is trustworthy and evidence-based. Content is based upon the most up to date information available. We only use current research, news, and recent developments in the field. Our medical review team and professional fact-checkers ensure that the research we cite has been correctly interpreted and the article isn’t missing any critical  information.


We know that everybody—and every body—is biologically unique. In support of that we objectively cover a range of topics and viewpoints. We present a balanced view of an issue, when one or more alternative views exist.


Before and After photos of men on TRT

Some of our content is generated by people who want to help others by sharing their health journeys. They are written in the first person and fact-checked for accuracy by our editors, but are not reviewed by medical experts. Their stories represent their personal experience, and should not be considered medical advice.


Man passing medicine ball to woman in home gym
Fly View Productions/Getty Images

Our lifestyle content is written by experienced journalists and subject matter experts (for example, Registered Dietitians, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and NASM-certified trainers). Content written by journalists is reviewed by a member of The Edge’s editorial staff, Advisory Board members, or professional fact-checkers as needed.


A man is propped up using a foam roller under his shoulder blades
Credit: FreshSplash/Getty Images

We recommend products that we hope will improve our readers’ lives. All products are sourced independently by editors. Hone, The Edge’s parent company, may collect a share of sales and other ​​compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Prices are accurate at the time of publication.


Our content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.