Prolonged, repeated physical and psychological elements accelerate the loss of a hormone so vital to the body’s wellbeing.

Our team of journalists behind The Edge spent months interviewing dozens of sources, doctors, and military spokespeople. Hundreds of Hone clients who are vets were surveyed.

Our special investigation shows our service men’s true battle for health and longevity begins when they return from deployment.

This special report explores the surprising correlation between low T and veterans, and exposes the shocking challenges three U.S. veterans faced trying to get treatment.

We highlight the cracks in an overwhelmed system failing the vets.

We break down how vets are shouted down, questioned, or flat-out ignored when a low T diagnosis is sought.

Tap here to find out how we can change that.


A powerful before and after story of a veteran who has optimized his health—and his life—with TRT.