Getting Started

for your access to your inital at-home assessment and virtual physician visit


Learn about your hormone levels. To start, you’ll collect a blood sample (just a finger prick!) and mail it to our contracted CLIA/CAP accredited lab. Shipping is on us both ways.


When the results are ready, you’ll have an in-depth video call with a board-certified physician who will spend time getting to know you, explain what your results show, and recommend personalized treatment plans.

Every Month

Monthly membership plan + cost of medication (if you qualify)


Our physician will clearly lay out your treatment options, explaining the potential benefits of any recommended medication and supplements, when you can expect to see results, as well as any potential side effects.


Your Hone treatment plan will ship directly to your door. In some instances, physicians might need to do a second testing to confirm measurements of targeted biomarkers.

Every 90 Days

No additional cost. Included with your Hone membership.


As a Hone member, your prescription treatment plan will be optimized and delivered, so you can focus on feeling your best while we handle the rest.

Find the Right
Subscription Plan For You

Your physician uses a combination of your lab results and symptoms to customize the best treatment for your unique biology.

  • Physician-guided pharmaceutical plan for qualifying patients
  • Concierge physician visit
  • Audio/video physician access
  • Private Hone community access
  • Retest hormones every 3-6 months
129 /mo
+ Cost of medication for qualifying patients
You must purchase an at-home testing kit and qualify for treatment based on physician consult for membership plan


Monthly membership cost + cost of medications


Starting at
28 /mo

Clomiphene Citrate

Starting at
47 /mo

Testosterone Cream

60 /mo

Testosterone Troche

60 /mo


Starting at
22 /mo


Starting at
60 /mo

What is Hormone Optimization?

Over time our bodies change. They become less efficient. It can be age, the environment or stress. It’s also totally normal.
We measure and help educate you on what’s changing in your body so you can understand what needs some tuning
You may just need a jumpstart, and we help your body naturally produce more of what it hasn’t for the past few years
Other times our bodies can’t naturally produce hormones like we could when we were younger so we help with that balance.
Sometimes you may have an accumulation of hormones that are stopping you from feeling like yourself and we help with that balance

Frequently Asked Questions

About Hone

Treatment: Is hormone optimization a fountain of youth?

Here’s the thing. You’ll never be 25 years old again. Aging is normal and testosterone is not a fountain of youth. But addressing clinically significant hormone deficiencies, if they exist, can go far in giving you more energy, and in making you feel ready and excited to take on the many years ahead.

Treatment: Do I need an in-person exam?

Most consultations are completed through an online video consultation with your physician. However, if an in-person visit is deemed necessary, we will arrange a complimentary concierge visit to your home at your earliest convenience.

Treatment: How long does it take to work?

Some will immediately experience results while others may need several weeks or months to fine-tune their solution. We are all different on the inside, but your physician will create a plan specifically for you, monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Treatment: Does it work for everyone?

Hone treatments work for most people, but there is no guarantee. Your physician will explain your treatment options as well as what to expect from your medication and recommended supplements. Depending on your recommended treatment, it may take a few weeks or a few months to see results. We work closely with you to find the right solution, and if we can’t we refer you out.

About Hone: Who are the physicians at Hone?

Hone provides administrative and management services to independently physician-owned and operated medical practices. Hone licenses the “Hone” brand name to Broad Health, P.C., and other affiliated medical practices that use Hone’s business support services. Each Hone-branded medical practice is owned and operated by a licensed physician. There is no single provider of medical care called “Hone”. Each Hone-branded practice engages a network of United States-based clinicians who provide clinical telehealth services. The clinicians deliver clinical services via the Hone platform to their patients. Hone does not provide medical advice or care, own or operate the medical practices, employ or in any way supervise the clinicians providing medical care, and control over the care provided is the sole responsibility of the independent medical practices and the clinicians they employ. Services and practices may vary across clinicians, and patients should contact the clinicians at Broad Health, P.C., directly for all questions concerning their medical care.

About Hone: Is it safe?

Your physician will create a personalized treatment plan based on your blood test results. They will clearly explain the benefits and possible side-effects of your treatment. The Hone Care Team will check in along the way to make sure everything is going according to plan. You can reach your physician through our secure portal if you have any questions or concerns at any point.