clomiphene citrate from Hone Health
A hand holding clomiphene citrate from Hone Health
A bottle of clomiphene citrate, surrounded by the product benefits
clomiphene citrate from Hone Health
A hand holding clomiphene citrate from Hone Health
A bottle of clomiphene citrate, surrounded by the product benefits

Clomiphene Citrate

Increases energy, mood, and focus by boosting your body’s production of testosterone

$47/MO + $129 Membership Subscription
  • Stimulates your body’s own production of testosterone to treat symptoms of low T
  • Online consultations with board-certified physicians
  • FDA-approved medication
  • Free Discreet Shipping

Success Stories

"I have more energy and stamina, am sleeping better. I can do so much more than I used to."


"It has only been about 30 days, but I do feel a little more energy and drive. Also my muscle mass feels like it may be gaining density."


"I feel more clear headed and have more energy though out the day."


"I feel good! My sex drive is there and have energy in the evenings that I never had before."


"I have more energy and stamina, am sleeping better. I can do so much more than I used to."


"It has only been about 30 days, but I do feel a little more energy and drive. Also my muscle mass feels like it may be gaining density."


"I feel more clear headed and have more energy though out the day."


"I feel good! My sex drive is there and have energy in the evenings that I never had before."


What We Offer

  • Personalized Treatment Plan
  • Private & Secure Process
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Proven Clinical Results

Treatment in 3 Easy Steps

3 step line

1. Order an At-Home Hormone Assessment

The simple finger-prick test measures 8 biomarkers, including testosterone.

2. Telehealth Call

Schedule a 30-minute virtual visit (included in the price of your test) with a licensed physician to discuss treatment options.

3. Get Your Medication

Prescribed medication is shipped directly to your door. We’re here 24/7 to support you with any questions.

man making coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is clomiphene citrate? Click to display answer

Clomiphene citrate (generic Clomid ®*), is a medication traditionally used for fertility treatment in women. However, it is also prescribed to men to address certain health concerns related to fertility and hormones, such as low testosterone.

What is clomiphene citrate used for? Click to display answer

This medication stimulates specific parts of the brain (the hypothalamus and pituitary gland) to increase levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which trigger the production of testosterone and sperm.

Why would a man take clomiphene citrate? Click to display answer

Clomiphene citrate can be prescribed to men with low testosterone who want to preserve fertility. Testosterone replacement therapy can lead to a lower sperm count because when your brain registers an influx of testosterone, it tells the testes to produce less sperm.

How do I take clomiphene citrate? Click to display answer

Clomiphene citrate is an oral medication. Your dosage will be based on your hormone levels and other medications you’re taking.

How long until I see results from clomiphene citrate? Click to display answer

To get the full benefits of clomiphene citrate, you have to take it regularly for three months. At that point, most men experience a significant improvement in low testosterone symptoms.