A vial of NAD+ from Hone Health
A vial of NAD+ with a list of benefits
A vial of NAD+ from Hone Health
A vial of NAD+ with a list of benefits

NAD+ Injections

A crucial ally in your body's fight against aging. Supplementing with NAD+ may increase lifespan, boost strength and physical performance, help with weight loss, and more.

$165/MO + $25 Membership Subscription
  • NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) has a role in protecting against aging factors that shorten lifespan. NAD+ may mitigate chemical stress, inflammation, DNA damage, and failing mitochondria while supporting immune health and delaying neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Text-based prescribing from board-certified physicians.
  • FDA-approved medication
  • Free Discreet Shipping

Success Stories

"This one is my favorite! I am much less sore the next day. My body heals faster."


"This one is my favorite! I am much less sore the next day. My body heals faster."


What We Offer

  • Personalized Treatment Plan
  • Private & Secure Process
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Proven Clinical Results

Treatment Options Available

Free Online Medical Evaluation

Complete a free text-based consultation with a doctor who can quickly approve NAD+ if you qualify.


Treatment In 3 Easy Steps

3 step line

1. Order an At-Home Hormone Assessment

The simple finger-prick test measures 8 biomarkers.

2. Telehealth Call

Schedule a 30-minute virtual visit (included in the price of your test) with a licensed physician to discuss treatment options.

3. Get Your Medication

Prescribed treatments are shipped directly to your door. We’re here 24/7 to support you with any questions.

man making coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NAD+? Click to display answer

Found in virtually all living cells, NAD+ is essential to sustain life. It has a role in protecting against factors that age us. This may include mitigating chemical stress, inflammation, DNA damage, and failing mitochondria.

What are NAD+ Injections? Click to display answer

NAD+ injections are a form of treatment that delivers Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide directly into the body.

What do NAD+ Injections Do? Click to display answer

NAD+ injections may promote longevity by facilitating DNA repair, immune cell signaling, energy enzyme activity, functioning of sirtuins (which aid in sustaining telomere maintenance), energy production (ATP), brain and heart health, sleep cycles, and more.

How does NAD+ work? Click to display answer

NAD+ is a critical molecule needed for energy production in the citric acid cycle. NAD+ is reduced to NADH and acts as an electron carrier. As a result of this and other steps, usable energy is created in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to power everything we do. There are also several NAD+-dependent enzymes, including PARPs and sirtuins. PARPs control DNA repair and gene expression, while sirtuins regulate many longevity-associated processes such as cellular metabolism, stress response, circadian rhythm, and more.

How much are NAD+ injections? Click to display answer

The cost of NAD+ injections can vary widely depending on the provider, location, and treatment plan. At Hone, the cost of NAD+ injections starts at $165/month, plus a monthly membership fee.

Are NAD+ injections as good as IV? Click to display answer

NAD+ injections are more effective than oral supplements due to low bioavailability after digestion. NAD+ injections are often more convenient and less expensive than IV therapy, but IV therapy may offer a more direct and higher dosage.