testosterone replacement therapy
A bottle of testosterone from Hone, surrounded by the benefits it confers
testosterone replacement therapy
A bottle of testosterone from Hone, surrounded by the benefits it confers

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Safe and effective. Men who start TRT to treat low testosterone report having more energy, improved sexual performance, enhanced mood, better muscle maintenance, and more.

$28/MO + $129 Membership Subscription
  • Restores testosterone levels to a healthy range
  • Online consultations with board-certified physicians
  • FDA-approved medication
  • Free Discreet Shipping

Success Stories

"I feel 1000% better, since starting TRT. I have the ambition to go play sports with the kids again and there are no side effects. I cant rave enough about how much this has helped me."


"After being on testosterone for more than a year, I sleep better, have a clearer mind, feel stronger and have more energy."


"I have more overall energy and greater mental focus. I'm starting to see improvements physically as well."


"It’s been amazing. Over the course of the year my body has slowly changed. I look more like a man. I feel like a man. My anxiety has been so much better controlled. I’ve felt much more in control of my life."


"I feel 1000% better, since starting TRT. I have the ambition to go play sports with the kids again and there are no side effects. I cant rave enough about how much this has helped me."


"After being on testosterone for more than a year, I sleep better, have a clearer mind, feel stronger and have more energy."


"I have more overall energy and greater mental focus. I'm starting to see improvements physically as well."


"It’s been amazing. Over the course of the year my body has slowly changed. I look more like a man. I feel like a man. My anxiety has been so much better controlled. I’ve felt much more in control of my life."


What We Offer

  • Personalized Treatment Plan
  • Private & Secure Process
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Proven Clinical Results

Treatment in 3 Easy Steps

3 step line

1. Order an At-Home Hormone Assessment

The simple finger-prick test measures 8 biomarkers, including testosterone and estrogen

2. Telehealth Call

Schedule a 30-minute virtual visit (included in the price of your test) with a licensed physician to discuss treatment options.

3. Get Your Medication

Prescribed medication is shipped directly to your door. We’re here 24/7 to support you with any questions.

man making coffee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is testosterone? Click to display answer

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It plays a role in regulating sex drive, the ability to store and burn fat, red blood cell production, emotions, and mood.

How can I increase testosterone? Click to display answer

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management, while avoiding habits like excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can help increase testosterone. But if you’re testosterone levels are too low, you may need testosterone replacement therapy to get them to a healthy range for your age.

What causes low testosterone? Click to display answer

Aging, injuries to the testicles, and cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can cause testosterone levels to decline, as can some medications and chronic health conditions.

What are the symptoms of low testosterone? Click to display answer

Low testosterone can cause a range of symptoms but some of the most common are a lack of energy, weight gain (especially belly fat), low libido, erectile dysfunction, mood changes, fatigue, and muscle loss.

What are the benefits of testosterone therapy? Click to display answer

Testosterone therapy can help improve symptoms of low testosterone, such as fatigue, reduced libido, muscle weakness, and mood swings. It may also improve bone density, muscle mass, and overall well-being in those with testosterone deficiency.

How can I check my testosterone levels? Click to display answer

Hone’s at-home test is an accurate, convenient way to check your testosterone levels.  If the assessment finds that your T is lower than it should be, physicians are on hand to help you choose the right treatment.

What TRT options does Hone offer? Click to display answer

Hone offers testosterone injections, testosterone cream, and troches. You can discuss options with a doctor to get the right fit.

What foods increase testosterone? Click to display answer

Foods known to potentially boost testosterone levels include lean meats, eggs, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, oysters (rich in zinc), and leafy green vegetables. Garlic and ginger, nuts, and seeds can also support healthy testosterone levels.